
I’m a Mechanical Engineer by trade and an electrical hobbiest by curiosity. I get to play with all kinds of interesting things on my workbench and I usually manage to not blow myself up in the process.

I own a MakerBot Replicator 1.0 and have access and the skills to use Solidworks. I also have access to a nice machine shop at work with both manual and CNC machinery.

Electrically I own 5 oscilloscopes and far more equipment than I can effectively use. I play with surface mount parts for fun and have the microscopes to actually see what I’m doing.

I will admit that I’ve gained a huge wealth of knowledge from the internet and from those who contribute to the Maker movement by sharing their knowledge and experience online. I hope this page will help pay forward all of the hard work of others that have lead me to the engineer I am today.

One comment on “About

  1. tpmtech says:

    Enjoying your site. I have an original Replicator as well and the Mightyboard just blew from intermittent X-axis cable problems. I have updated the spring loaded units on the extruders too that fixes the problem with the original buttons.

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